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How it Works

Organic farming promotes the humane treatment of animals. Organically-raised poultry, cattle and other animals are fed a certified organic diet, free of hormones, GMOs (genetically modified organisms) or animal by-products. Rather than relying on antibiotics to reduce disease, organic farmers prevent disease by ensuring that animals have a healthy lifestyle, with lots of pasture, comfortable and spacious shelter, and opportunity for natural socialization. 


Why Buy Locally?


  1. Local food tastes better. By buying local, you are receiving the freshest possible produce. Produce that travels long distances is days older. Sugars turn to starches, plant cells shrink, and produce loses its vitality and flavor. Local food is an investment in the future and our economy. By supporting local farmers today, you are helping to ensure that there will be farms in your country tomorrow. That is a matter of importance for food security, especially in light of an uncertain energy future and our current reliance on fossil fuels to produce, package, distribute and store food.


Environmentally Sustainable

A well-managed family farm is a place where the resources of fertile soil and clean water are valued. We grow cover crops to prevent erosion and replace nutrients used by their crops. Cover crops also capture carbon emissions and help combat global warming. According to some estimates, farmers who practice conservation tillage could sequester 12-14% of the carbon emitted by vehicles and industry

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